
Width of carriageway

Single lane road:- 3.75 m Double lane road without kerb:- 7 m Double lane road with a kerb:- 7.5 m Intermediate lane:- 5.5 m Multi-lane roads:- 3.5 m/lane Min. Shoulder width:- 2.5 m Max width of any vehicle:- 2.44 m Min. Roadway width on single-lane bridge:- 4.25 m

Types of rail gauges

Broad gauge:- 1.676 m Metre gauge:- 1.000 m Narrow gauge:- 0.762 m Lighter gauge:- 0.610 m Standard gauge:- 1.435 m

Different types of valve

Reflux valve:- Allows water in one direction only, The valve provided on the suction pipe in tube well. Sluice valve:- Controlling the flow.  Scour valve:- To remove sediment.  Check valve:- To prevent backflow Relief valve:- To prevent the increase of pressure after a certain safe limit. Gate valve:- To control flow in the pipe network.

Theory of failure

Maximum principal stress theory - Rankine's theory Maximum principal strain theory - St. Venant's theory Maximum shear stress theory - Guest & Tresca's theory Maximum strain energy theory - Haigh's theory Maximum shear strain energy theory - Mises-Henky theory

Envirnoment Related Act

Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 Biological Diversity Act, 2002 Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 National Environment Appellate Authority act -1997 Forest Conservation Act, 1980 Indian Forest Act, 1927 The National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995 National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 Noise Pollution rule, 2000 Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act of 2001 Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

General Knowledge

1)Palamu tiger reserve in which State -Jharkhand 2) potaki wildlife sanctuary in which State -Assam 3) Which of the following has been the President of India - Rajendra Prashad 4)First vice president of india - S Radhakrishan 5)Statue of unity in which State. - Gujrat 6) India have conducted bilateral military exercise with which country in Feb 2020. (............) 7) Fullform of PIL. -Public interest litigation 8) Full form of IMF (International Monetary fund) 9)Full form of UNFCC. (United Nations Framework convention on climate change) 10) Full form of NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) 11) Which state have started artificial intelligence (Andhra Pradesh,not sure) 12) who is opposition leader of rajya sabha 13) vitamin related to blood clotting (K) 14) Which because CM of jharkhand in December 2019 -Hemant soren 15)Rentinol is related to which vitamin -A 16) Heart transfers blood away (veins) 17) Plaster of Paris is stored in (Moisture free container) 18) In